Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Questions from Mom

Hi everyone, it's time for another episode of "What's Korea Really Like?" !! My mom just asked me some good questions, and I thought I'd answer them here.

We have a three day break from camp this weekend! We're going to Muan to...OK, I don't really know what we're doing. I think they told us awhile ago, but I can't remember. We're supposed to be getting a schedule. Not sure if it's the temple stay, or the beach! But I think we are staying at a hotel, which I hope will be nice.

Yes, the mountains are pretty, and the cities are modern! It's quite a mix of modern and traditional (old). For example, when we got off the plane at Seoul, everything was sooo modern and futuristic. It was incredible. They have really interesting toilets here. We encountered the first one at the airport, where in the stall there was something called a "courtesy button", I think. You could press it, and it would make a sound to cover any unpleasant sounds! And here at camp, they have these toilets that have all these different buttons. I tried the other day, and I didn't get the sound, but I did get squirted with water, and then the fan came on. Anyway, yes, some things are way cooler than what we have in America, but then others aren't so great (like our dorms).

The temples are Buddhist temples here, but most people I've talked to are Christian. Of the people that say they are religious, about half are Christian and half are Buddhist.

Korean words are realllly hard to learn. I've got down Hello and Thank you, but honestly that's about it.

I'm doing OK with the food. They really accomodate the Americans at the dorm. Like for breakfast, they make me toast with peanut butter or cereal, because I feel I'm not quite ready for Korean food at breakfast! The rest of the food is good. I wouldn't say it's great, but then again, we are eating at a school cafeteria. I'm sure it's not the greatest Korea has to offer! Oh, and chopsticks. Yeah. I actually feel like I'm getting WORSE. That's probably not true though. I think if I'm concentrating too hard, that's when I can't do it. (It was really hard to pick up the bits of still-moving octopus last night with chopsticks!).

Well, we're about to start the "Survival Games" for tonight. Woo!!

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