Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh yes all the boys like me...

Haha, some people posted comments asking if all the Korean boys loved me. Well, today some of them have started coming up to me and yelling "I LOVE YOU!" But it's because they lost a game...they play a version of Rock Paper Scissors, and the loser has to do something like say I love you to someone. Yes, very immature. But they are thirteen year olds.

Actually, this is weird. Every single kid at camp is exactly thirteen years Korean years. Of course they weren't all born at the same time, but Koreans have a different way of calculating someone's age. They are 1 when they are born, then if they were born before a certain date they gain a year, then if they were born...I don't know, anyway there's this different system they use! To calculate your Korean age: Take your "real" age, and add 1 if you have already had your birthday this year, and add two if you have not yet had your birthday this year.

Back to Koreans loving me. The girls like my blond hair and blue eyes. A girl yesterday pulled out one of my hairs and got really excited about it! I'm not quite sure why though...because I don't speak Korean.

One last strange tidbit for tonight: to turn a faucet on, you push the handle down. Up is off. (Think of your bathroom sink, where you have one control for hot and cold). Still trips me up every time.

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