Monday, August 11, 2008


I video-chatted with my mom this morning, and she said that my family was reading my blog! So, hello! Thanks for reading! If you want, you can leave a comment! Also, I just added some photos to this blog, so scroll down to previous posts to see them.

Video chatting is great. I try to chat with Nicholas at least every other day or so, sometimes twice a day. When I'm going to bed, he's waking up, and vice versa. It's great to actually see him when we talk!

Today we had a full day of teaching, and classes went pretty well. The students here are all genuinely nice and sweet. We walk around saying Hello!! and waving with both hands to everyone. But in class they can be sooooo quiet. They're really shy about trying to speak English. So I do a lot of exercises where they repeat after me, so it's the whole group speaking, not one student. But having them speak alone is important too. I hear a lot from the Korean teachers that they are trying to build the student's confidence.

After classes and skit practice, it was Movie Night tonight, which meant a free night for us "foreign" teachers! We walked down to the stationary store. All the kids wear these super cool, big bright colorful watches, and I really wanted one. Then my watch battery died, and I really NEEDED one. We tried to get to this store a few times. First, it was too late in the evening (since we usually don't get finished with work until 9pm, it's hard to get there before closing). Then, without really thinking about this until we were about a block away, we realized it was Sunday evening, and that it was probably closed. Which it was. So tonight we went back AGAIN and it was open!! I got me a watch. This store is great though because they have so much cool stuff! And we talked to the owner, and he told us he had been to the US last year and had seen Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom on the red carpet for Pirates of the Caribbean 3! He gave me a discount, and candy. That's just the sort of thing that happens in Korea. And we're in a SMALL TOWN in Korea, nowhere near Seoul. We were told that this is like the Alabama of Korea!

Me and my cool new watch.

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